Pearls of Purity – Episode 17 – Pure Love

In this rich episode of Pearls of Purity, Sunita Bapooji speaks about pure love.

The life problem lies in a misunderstanding about what is love. People misconstrue emotional attachments, possessiveness & sentiments as love. Instead, pure love is strength, will power and fearlessness… which take the form of a steady recognition of other’s uniqueness with divine intention and attention.

She highlights examples in parenting that lead to dysfunctional due to a lack of pure love amongst parents which is unconsciously transmitted to their children through an inconsistent parenting style. Over time this leads to a deep misunderstanding about how to love oneself and others in a pure manner as an adult which leads to damaging behavior. And so the cycle continues.

Pure love is not bondage. Pure love is freedom. Pure love is genuine.

The first step in experiencing Pure Love is to start by loving oneself, which leads to loving others. The work lies in embracing pure love in everyday life. The most direct way to live in pure love is to practice meditation.

Sunita highlights three important things to remember about Love:
1. To Love and be loved by everyone is not greedy… it is a divine blessing.
2. Self love, pure love, unselfish love can heal, prevent, control any mental, emotional, moral, and psycho-somatic disorder
3. Living in divine pure love attracts pure love from the outside world

Sunita leaves us with a powerful affirmation to be incanted prior to and after meditation:
“I love myself; I respect myself; I take care of myself; This is my promise today. I will take care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally, ethically, morally, and spiritually.”

Thanks for watching!

To your overall well-being,
Sookshma Centre for Overall Well-being

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Pearls of Purity – Episode 16 – Power of Positive Thought

In this episode of Pearls of Purity, Sunita Bapooji speaks about the transformational Power of Positive Thought.

She shares with us a powerful story from her teenage years experiencing her dear father’s withdrawal from society for three years as a way of coping and healing from grief and loss. She describes what this experience taught her and who she became in the process by living in sustained positive thought during that time.

The universal human problem is a focus on negative thoughts. She compares the short-lived motivation that comes from negative thoughts and the sustainable transformation that occurs with living a life steeped in positive intention, attention and thought about yourself and others.

Thanks for watching!

To your overall well-being,
Sookshma Centre for Overall Well-being

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Pearls of Purity – Episode 14 – Gratitude to Self

In this week’s powerful episode of Pearls of Purity, Sunita Bapooji highlights the gap created in one’s overall well-being when gratitude is focused only externally.

Showing gratitude starts by for the self by eating right, feeling right and thinking right which creates an alignment between one’s actions, devotions and knowledge which in turn leads to authentic gratitude for the people and situations that one comes across in the external world.

This is the Sookshma process of showing gratitude.

To your overall well-being,
Sookshma Centre for Overall Well-being


Pearls of Purity – Episode 11 – Forgiveness

Master Sunita in this powerful episode of ‘Pearls of Purity’ helps us all understand the impact of Forgiveness.

She says, “If we do not forgive, we become victim to our own emotions like anger, resentment and hatred. We are multiplying the damage done by someone in our sub-conscious clutters.”

What do we need to Forgive:
Love, Mercy, Compassion for yourself which will take care of your overall well-being. The resulting healing within results in natural forgiveness.

There are three ways people react to betrayal/abuse/cheating in life:
Surface path – Cause Self destruction
Middle path – Use law and logic to take revenge/get even
Spiritual path – Let go and Protect yourself by caring and love for yourself which results in healing and in turn true forgiveness

Sunita suggests to us to start forgiving ourselves because, we all make mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. She says by forgiving ourselves, we can stop the inner turmoil, inner tsunamis and earthquakes and this will allow us to progress cultivating overall well-being.

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Pearls of Purity – Episode 9 – Emotions

Master Sunita says that Emotions not only affect our feelings, but affect our entire life and that there are two types of emotions:

Postive emotions like  Love, Peace, Bliss, Truth, Harmony, Absolute positive attitude.
Negative emotions like obsessive desire, anger, delusion, greed, jealousy, aggression.

Sunita shares practical examples and depicts how emotions influence our lives and how we tend to become victims to these emotions.

She emphasizes how it is important to work on our emotions rather than worry about others emotions and attitudes as they relate to us. The work lies within the Self.

She proposes a 3 step process for dealing with emotions in life:

1. Paying attention to your emotions, This develops awareness in every moment.  This process will help catch the root cause of any destructive emotion.

2. Harmonizing emotions – Synchronizing & Integrating between feelings, thoughts and actions

3. Divinizing the emotions through 100% Awareness – at this stage, not only do we become aware of emotions and understand how to work with them in an aligned and harmonized way, but we can entirely transcend them creating a state of bliss.

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Pearls of Purity – Episode 8 – Ambitions in Life

In this episode of Pearls of Purity, Master Sunita discusses the two kinds of life ambitions – the first being name/fame, wealth, power, intellect, which is an external journey. The second type being a yearning for everlasting joy, which is an inner journey.

Sookshma philosophy is to balance both types of ambitions, External and Internal journeys. They complement each other.

Integrating both ambitions is the goal of Sookshma. But Sookshma first places emphasis on the Inner journey, because inner realizations can empower the external journey.

Master clarifies that Sookshma is not just sitting, closing one’s eyes, being in a rest state, but to work consciously to find that Pure Inner Self which in turn helps one to bring gratifying success in external ambitions.

The Sookshma solution is working for overall well-being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Pearls of Purity – Episode 7 – Fear to Fearlessness

In this episode of Pearls of Purity, Master Sunita talks about the root cause of fears and how to overcome them to become fearless.

The cause of fear is a weak body, weak mind and a lack of self confidence.

When fear occurs, don’t dwell in that fear in thoughts, words or deeds…

Instead, act decisively to embrace fearlessness through working on yourself and the situation physically (through activity), mentally (by embracing empowering principles) and through meditation (the practice of being in the here and now).

Pearls of Purity – Episode 6 – Power of Now in Parenting

In this episode, Master Sunita Bapooji talks about how to overcome the past, in the context of her experience bringing awareness, healing and peace to Inmates in Prisons.

Sunita touches upon a very important parenting issue, where many parents tend to worry inspite of their best efforts in raising children and why sometimes children tend to move in unintended directions.

She points out that a solution to overcome the fears of past and anxieties is to enable self-direction in the individual through meditation, which leads to self discipline which leads to living in the higher self which has a profound effect on the people we deal with including our children, family, and society.

Watch Episode 6 of Pearls of Purity

Pearls of Purity – Episode 4

– What are habits?
– How do habits relate to being a human being?
– With whom does the initial responsibility of the formation of habits start?
– When can parents start teaching children about habits?
– How do we influence others to modify their habits?
– What impact do habits have on our lives?

We invite you to watch Episode 4 of Pearls of Purity to find out.

Pearls of Purity – Episode 3

  • What is the false ego?
  • How does the ego relate to knowledge and intelligence?
  • What role does humility play in converting knowledge into wisdom?
  • How does Yoga (the union) begin?
  • What role does concentration play?
  • How do we reach meditation?

Watch the 3rd episode of “Pearls of Purity” in which Master Sunita Bapooji candidly shares, with incidents and experiences from her childhood, how identification and false ego can destroy our lives.

She emphasizes that as the intellectual knowledge grows, one needs to become more humble so that knowledge becomes wisdom and Self Realization starts.

She says through Self introspection and reflection, the true Yoga starts in our lives. By adding concentration, we enter meditation.