Pearls of Purity – Episode 8 – Ambitions in Life

In this episode of Pearls of Purity, Master Sunita discusses the two kinds of life ambitions – the first being name/fame, wealth, power, intellect, which is an external journey. The second type being a yearning for everlasting joy, which is an inner journey.

Sookshma philosophy is to balance both types of ambitions, External and Internal journeys. They complement each other.

Integrating both ambitions is the goal of Sookshma. But Sookshma first places emphasis on the Inner journey, because inner realizations can empower the external journey.

Master clarifies that Sookshma is not just sitting, closing one’s eyes, being in a rest state, but to work consciously to find that Pure Inner Self which in turn helps one to bring gratifying success in external ambitions.

The Sookshma solution is working for overall well-being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.