Sunita Bapooji Speaks on Campaign for Crohn’s disease – Mothers Day 2009


Sunita Bapooji speaks on Mothers day 2009 event – Campaign for Crohn’s disease conducted by Peace Tree Innovations Society. She is known for curing most complex diseases like Crohn’s, Colitis, IBS and many more just through her Pure Healing Vibrations & cleansing the system. She allows one to realise the Mind-Body connection in our day to day life. She is also know as “Surgeon of Vibrations” who uses the potential in every single cell in the body to cure and heal diseases of Mind and body. She believes that we all are built on the foundation of a subtle body which is ‘Energy’ and when this Energy is clean and pure body can live healthy and happy without any problems. She emphasizes that each cell in the body can live for ages together if cared properly with simple practises & discipline in our lives.