My history with Ayurveda

Ayurveda – Science of Life
Ayu means life or daily living
Veda means knowledge

Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation and Karnatic Classica Music are the ancient life disciplines and have been
practiced in India for centuries. I am fortunate to have learnt and integrated all of these into
my life through Sookshma.

Through my constant practice, mine and my students’ experiences and realizations, I named what I do Sookshma “Subtle”. I did not find anything new; Everything is from the teachings of ancient rishis passed down through the centuries. The rishis spent their lifetimes searching for how to stop death, but were unable to find a solution… what they reached upon instead were ways to increase the length and quality of their lives.

I am fortunate to have explored Ayurveda with my family, amongst whom where the famous “Hakims” or Ayurveda doctors to the Hyderabad “Nizam” or king. I treasure my learnings from my uncle Hakim Sri Katoju Rameshwarao. I used to spend a lot of time in his huge dispensary in the Danamantri Vilas. I was inspired by his father Hakim Ramakrishna through who’s donations, the Vishwakarma Hostel for needy students was built and run in Hyderabad. From this act, I understood the power of charitable contributions and the large impact it has on human life. My humble salutations to them and another Ayurvedic doctor uncle of mine, Dr. Purushottamacharya.

Hakim Rameshwarao Katoju Hakim Ramakrishna Katoju
More recently in 2007, I had a chance to spend via a 3 day workshop, some time with the renowned Ayurveda doctor Vasant Lad and performed a Karnatic Classic concert in his honour.

Dr. Vasant Lad
This is a short background on my exposure to Ayurveda and I am happy to share the knowledge from my experience with you through Sookshma initiatives in Vancouver and around the world.

Lots of love and blessings,

Sunita Bapooji